17 Amazing DIY Wall Painting Ideas To Refresh Your Walls

Write By: Elizabeth Published In: DIY Tips Hits: 4915

If you are tired of using wall papers, painting is a terrific way to make your walls look fascinating and chic. Whether you’re on a tight budget or you can’t find the ideal decoration for your walls, in this post you will discover some truly interesting ideas that will attract your attention with their creativity.

1. Modern Art Wall Design

Modern art is always attrctive.

2. Chevron Wall

modern art waves

3. Wavy Stripes

Wavy stripes make your room active and bright!

4. Make a Statement Wall with Paint Pens

Statement gives a sense of calm.

5. Paint Giant Polka Dots on the Wall

The dots and the color make me think of Disneyland!

6. Turquoise Ombre Wall

Fresh Greece style~~

7. Large Scale Stripes

Stylish and simple

8. Ombre Scallop Accent Wall

This lovely wall paint can be used in children’s room or in kindergarten.

9. Half Wall Color Block

Fit people with a tight budget~

10. Abstract Painted Walls

You can draw your wall whatever you like.

11. Geometric Painted Wall

Young people will lik it!

12. Large Circles

Make your room out of boring~fit small scale livingroom

13. Color and Geometry

Your room can be classic, but also modern; lovely, but also sexy.

14. Gingham Paint Treatment with Frogtape

Elegant and quiet.

15. Polka Dotted Ceiling

Look! Stars!

16. Tree Mural

Spring is coming~ Plant trees in your room! Make it alive!

Want to buy one?


17. Chalkboard Wall

Always forget recipe? 

Want a written rimender on the wall? 

Afraid of kids ruining the wall ?

You need a Chalkboard Wall!

Want to buy one?
